On Sunday was the second in my series of monthly walks - this time starting at Fernworthy Reservoir. In glorious spring weather we walked across the North Teign to Teignhead Farm, then up Sittaford Tor, to Grey Wethers stone circles, then back through Fernworthy Plantation. It was very warm out of the wind, with insects including Peacock butterflies on the wing, but things still looked bleached and wintry on the high ground.
Looking north towards Cosdon Beacon, with Exmoor in the far distance. |
Birds seen included Grey Wagtail, Raven, Buzzard, Kestrel, Green Woodpecker, Wheatear, Stonechat and excellent views of a pair of Redstarts in the plantation.
The North Teign, looking upstream towards Sittaford Tor. A peaceful scene in a wild and lonely spot. |
The clapper bridge near Teignhead Farm. |
Sedge in flower |
Looking north from Sittaford Tor. |
The North Teign basin, with Cosdon in the distance and the edge of Fernworthy plantation on the right. |
The Grey Wethers - Bronze Age stone circles restored in Victorian times. |
A pine spared in a Fernworthy clearfell. |
An old spreading beech, near the ruins of Fernworthy Farm. |
Thornworthy Down, looking towards the eastern end of Fernworthy. |
Walk participants Helen and Adrian, with contented canines at the reservoir at the end of the walk. |